A Fond Farewell
`Tis a fond farewell that I bid
as I pass the torch to you.
`Twas not so long ago
that I was young like you.
I had my dreams for the future
and I knew what I wanted to do.
Some of my dreams, I have accomplished,
the others I pass on to you.
Never give up hope,
for tomorrow will be better for you.
Always take the time to listen
to what people have to say.
This is their way
of passing their wisdom on to you.
Never look back,
always look forward.
You have the future in front of you.
Always do your best,
so that you have no regrets.
These are just some of the things
that I pass on to you,
I hope that I have done my best,
but I leave that up to you.
This is all that I have to say
as I bid a fond farewell.
By Guido Boggioni `65
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