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Watterson High School
Class of 1966

GO BUCKS!! Congrats on a great season! 


A lot of fun getting together at the MCL Cafeteria at Kingsdale :)


            Class of 1966 

         Christmas Lunch

        Monday, December 16

               11:30 AM

        MCL Cafeteria Kingsdale
        3154 Kingsdale Center
            Upper Arlington

        Just get in line, pick out your meal
        and join us in the private dining room 


        Not sure?  Last minute fine :)






55+1 Class of 1966 Reunion is now history! 

We had 62 classmates plus a few guests and consensus seems to be it was the best ever! 

Linnie Lombardi, Ellen Swartz & Jeanine Eilers 

If you were there PLEASE send all of your pics to Janie at:

We will try to put them together in a slideshow! 

Steve (Fr. Robt.) Hodges & Deacon Bill Reid say a prayer for our 37 gone but not forgotten classmates  


Welcome to the Watterson Class of 1966 

Adena Brook flowing through the Overbrook Ravine, Clintonville /Jim Hamilton 


Please send us your photos! We’d love to use them here!

Have you looked at our Message Forum lately? We have over 11,000 entries since our 50th Reunion! Take a look; join in the conversation.  Top tab on the left. We look forward to your comments :).

Please feel free to submit photos, art, articles and other items that you think our classmates will find interesting.