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01/13/25 11:28 AM #14871    


Mary Margaret Clark (Schultheis)

01/13/25 08:25 PM #14872    


John Jackson

MM, give us some links to serious reporting on the LA fire situation.   Maybe I’m old fashioned, but some dude in a baseball cap (with his bed in the background) doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence.


01/13/25 11:07 PM #14873    

Timothy Lavelle

Is there a treatment, like methadone, for potato chip addiction? Asking for a fiend.




01/14/25 03:16 AM #14874    


James Hamilton, M. D.


A soft cheese dip contaminated with Listeria bacteria ought to do the trick. 🤪


01/14/25 11:55 AM #14875    


Michael McLeod

i think you can get into the la times for free for better reportage on the conflagration out west.(i just wanted to use a couple of fancy ass words there just to see if i still got it.)



01/14/25 08:10 PM #14876    


Michael McLeod

While we're on the subject of destruction and disaster here's the report on trump's criminal behavior re: election tinkering.

gives "situation ethics" a new meaning

01/15/25 12:13 AM #14877    


Joseph D. McCarthy

Dave I'm so envious of you.  One of my favorite chain restaraunts, hiding as a Supermarket. has just announced that they are opening two locations within driving distance of you.  Wegman's announced that they are opening in Charlotte and Holly Springs.  Now Dave, with all your driving experience what's threee hours one way?

01/15/25 07:25 AM #14878    


Michael McLeod

Tim: any fiend of yours is a fiend of mine.

01/15/25 02:21 PM #14879    


David Mitchell


Thanks for the heads up. But Charlotte is more like 4 hours. I'll be sure and keep it in mind if I'm up that way.

Seems like you and I think alike - good food in any setting - is a priority in this life. 

01/15/25 03:03 PM #14880    


Michael McLeod

I am cleaning out my shed and discovering that I am such a forgetfull bozo and such an occasional and sporadic gardener/painter/homeowner caretaker that  over the years I have purchased seven pairs of work gloves. Any particular place where I should donate them?Thank you, signed bona fida airhead..

In all seriousness when I found them is was embarrassed as hell. I have blown off numerous people close to me, particularly my significant other, the grade school teacher who is well suited to deal with the likes of a bozo such as I, who tells me I am disorganized.

Given that I found SEVEN pairs of work gloves, four unopened and unused, I have a hard time pretending she does not have me dead to rights. In all seriousness I think I funneled any organization skills, meager though they were, into writing, and have been slapdash elsewhere. It may sound amusing but that's not the feeling I have right now. I think I owe Denise an apology actually. I'm not making light ofthis though I guess my story has its comic element, And I'm sure as hell not laughing as I clean up my shed, discovering various other multiple puchases -- a half dozen cans of comet cleaner among them. 

Just called Denise to apologize.

When I told her how many pairs of gloves I found she said:

"I'm not surprised."

She wasn't snarky about it either. 

Which of course just made me feel worse.


01/15/25 08:36 PM #14881    


John Maxwell

I heard liquid nachos strained through a loaf of moldy bread, dried on bricks. Knock the dried solution off the bricks, powder in a ball mill, and capsule in #001 soluable caps. Take with rehydrated salsa.
Keep out of reach of adolecent tamales. Caution: May be addictive to inactive retirees.

01/15/25 11:57 PM #14882    

Timothy Lavelle

Good answers re the potato chip debacle. As gogeous as the PNW is, during these cold winter months a video game where I can shoot all my frustrations away and a big bowl of heart destroying potato chips is as close to nirvana as is available. 

Jocko...both your last posts show me that you have by far the best imagination left to any of us. I am fairly certain that you have both neanderthal and alien dna in you.

Mike...I was the fifth child. Hand me downs were common. It wasn't until I was over 50 that I realized that that was the reason why I had (still have) more socks than most anyone and would throw them away as soon as they became stressed. Maybe you were forced to walk to school in three feet of snow with no gloves so your folks could pay the gas bill?

Doc, at 12 noon today I took two bisacodyl pills. So you know where I am headed in a couple of days.

Party on.


01/16/25 07:00 AM #14883    


Michael McLeod

good luck tim. hope everything comes out all right for you.

01/16/25 02:33 PM #14884    


John Maxwell

Well dave,
As the first inhabitants of this planet evolved, they discovered that caves were pretty good place to call home. They would publish a cave painting periodicals on the walls. The most notable is somewhere in southern France. The information they thought were important were depictions of food i.e. the animals they hunted and the terrain where they hunted them. Thry also rendered what amounts to a painting of a hand. Some folks call it the earliest print ever made. The idea of living in caves or underground structures is still a smart way to go. Unless there are large bodies of water in the vicinity. Anything that follows the natural contours of the land would provide adequate protection. Mold and moisture are always present in underground environs, however if you utilize a wind powered ventilation system, coupled with a proper filtration system, you may eliminate a lot of respiration issues.

01/16/25 04:23 PM #14885    


David Mitchell

Uhh huh, Jack. 

01/16/25 10:13 PM #14886    


Mary Margaret Clark (Schultheis)

This is truly a must read for all Buckeye fans!!



01/17/25 08:45 AM #14887    


Michael McLeod

Thanks a lot for posting that, mm#1, now that i'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.

Now I know why - as if I needed to know why - all along I have just had that feeling about this season.

-- mm#2

01/17/25 02:52 PM #14888    


Michael McLeod

I figured out what tim's gone off to do by the process of eliimination

01/18/25 11:00 AM #14889    

Timothy Lavelle

Very cheeky Michael. 

Alive and well as it turns out but from my personal e-mails apparently that isn't true of some others. Please trust that this is the last time I will supply some personal puzzle for you to surmise on. I misread the audience on that one for sure. 

Lastly, I am creating a map for all your future relatives who will be moving to "The" PNW. Each time you happen to look at a nationwide weather map because "the Great Lakes are boiling" or "Polar Vortex Be Happnin'" or "Florida is About to Be Flattened", (I won't joke about fires...fires are about as scary as it gets in the woods of 'Murica) try to remember to look at the Pacific Coast of Washington. It's a little strip, a weather island if you will, of far more livable weather. I was actually told about this region by another expat many years ago who was planning to retire here. Bill Foote. Friends called him...yeah..."Big".

On my maps no one will be allowed to move to Lewis County where I live. It's really too stupid of a county for you and yours, trust me. And the views are just of woods and lakes and deer and stuff so "nothing to see here, move along". 

On a personal note, if you don't mind...I am incredibly sad for our country. But for your sakes and my own I am just going to try my best to ignore our government for the nest four years and its "You know, I was sittin' on the john this morning and you know what I thought? I thought "Greenland"...that's what I thought" mentality. I am sure many of you are happy, but in 30 years our youngest will be reading about this in their history books and like us reading about McCarthy, it won't look good. That's an "over and out" from me on politics. 


01/18/25 09:41 PM #14890    


Michael McLeod

tired of being the butt of your jokes tim

01/19/25 01:05 PM #14891    


John Maxwell

Tim, thanks for the national weather report. It's hard to hold an opinion about weather. It just changes so much... Oh, by the way the Lakes , the Great Lakes, are now pretty frozen at the moment. Unless you know something only you and God are aware is going to happen, like the lakes boiling, that's gonna piss off a lot of ice fishermen. That's right fisherMEN. No self-respecting woman would be caught dead in a fishing shanty in the middle of a lake! Also if your shanty sinks with you passed out from fishing and drinking all day and your shanty fall to the bottom of the lake, the U.S. Coast Gaurd will bill you thousands of dollars for a rescue. There is a morale here, but these knuckleheads just keep doing it.

Mike, here's a tip all my psychiatrists tell me. Don't take things so seriously. You're just kicking your own butt. Then again, a good butt-kicking can be refreshing.

01/19/25 01:13 PM #14892    


Michael McLeod

i'm pretty much in jk mode today and likely henceforward, jocko. 

01/19/25 02:00 PM #14893    


Mary Margaret Clark (Schultheis)

01/19/25 10:45 PM #14894    


David Mitchell

I think if you look close you will agree - this must have been before the dentist



01/20/25 11:40 PM #14895    


David Mitchell

One hell of a gutsie call on that late long pass play.


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