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01/22/19 10:31 PM #4636    


Mary Margaret Clark (Schultheis)

Dave, the 3rd graders are placed in the front row. 2nd graders in 2nd row and 1st graders in back row.....guess you have to earn front row by staying in school!  LOL

01/23/19 12:50 AM #4637    


Joseph D. McCarthy

It's that time again.  Put away your books, computers, etc.

The subject, once again is "Niagara Falls".

1.  Niagara Falls is made up of which three Falls?

2.  Name the State and Province that straddle on either side (North and South)?

3.  How many cubic feet per second does the flow go over the falls during the day?

4.  How many cubic feet per second does the flow go over the falls in the evening?

5.  If there is a difference (HINT), what causes it?

6.  Has any part of the Falls been purposely shut down, and if so, when (year)?

7.   Has the falls ever stopped for any other reason?

Now didn't that take your mind off the upcoming awards?


01/23/19 01:13 AM #4638    


David Mitchell

For Pete's sake Joe,

Don't you Left Coast people have anything better to do than to keep us Right Coast people up late at night. I was just about to go to bed and then I see this.

#2 - New York and Quebec,  I'll take the easy one and let Fred have the rest, 

and good night!


01/23/19 01:17 AM #4639    


David Mitchell

Well, Okay! 

#5 - Yes there is a difference due to less evaporation after the sun's heat drops.

Now can I please get some sleep?

01/23/19 12:52 PM #4640    


John Maxwell

Dave, For cryin out loud if you cannot see the other children because of the tall child in front, use your x-ray vision. You're old enough to use it.
Joe M. The answer is Marlyn Monroe and Robert Mitchim. What award? Not the coveted Intragallactic Award, given to the purest spirit in the universe, every hundred trillion time cubits by the unanimous decision of all spirits. Quite a feat. Speaking of feats Bon Bon, beautifully done my dear. You made it seem effortless. You are an incridible spirit. I'd say the same for Frank but his is a different struggle. Pneumonia is no laughing matter especially at this age. It's enough to make one quit smoking. For good! A little guilt never helps. Catholics are used to guilt. I relate to this on occasion. Usually when saying that perfect act of contrition. Frank, bless you sir for enduring and overcoming what could have become the end of you. Well done. Did you get to keep the bones they removed from your wrist. You could make a bracelet out of them. That'd be cool. A bit primitive, but they are your bones. And who wouldn't want to wear a little of Frank. Now how about a few words about medical waste, which what many of us become eventually. After reading this, even I don't want to spend too much time in my head. Love to you all, now off to the therapist.

01/23/19 03:32 PM #4641    

Timothy Lavelle

O my. Jocko....sometimes you make me feel almost sane. But, I want to pre-order the first Frankbone bracelet that has a tiny roach clip built into the clasp. Very cool. 

Joe, I have this odd affliction. So, let me ask...was part of the quiz seeing if one of us would correct it to "Niagara"?

Anyone need rain?

01/23/19 05:28 PM #4642    


David Barbour

Dear Mary Margaret,

I've taken the 'start at forum post # 1 challenge' and just hit your post #3649.  If you have more of this material 

I'm going to rust out my keyboard!

Thank you,

David B.  


01/24/19 02:51 PM #4643    


Joseph D. McCarthy

Mr. Lavelle, you caught only one of three errors; you start with a "C".

On the other hand I can't remember who taught geography, Sister Malcolm maybe; but Mr. Mitchell is going to have to spend many days after school in special detention.  

Niagara Falls:   Some definitely useless facts.

1.  Niagara Falls is the Collective name for the three falls that it represents; American Falls (USA), Bridal Veil Falls (smaller USA), and Horseshoe Falls (USA & Canada).

2.  New York and Ontario.  Both with cities named Niagara Falls.

3. Approximately 100,000 cubic feet per second during the day.

4. Approximately   50,000 cubic feet per second during the night.

5. The water is diverted during the night for power generation, hydroelectric power, on both sides of Niagara (Dave, that's New York and Ontario).

6.  In 1969 the american falls were shut down ( a dam was developed) for approximately six months so that the Corp of Engineers could assess the effects of a prior rock slide.  They located Two bodies and Millions of coins.

7. In 1848 the complete falls ceased flowing because of an ice Dam up river due to "Extreme Weather".


Now I can try and work on getting my "Land Line (phone)" working.  I made the mistake of allowin them to switch me to Voice Over the Internet Protocol (VOIP) two years ago.


01/24/19 03:11 PM #4644    


David Mitchell

DARN!  I meant to say Ontario. And "Bridal Veil" was somewhere back in my memory from a childhood trip to the East. We stopped to see the falls, took the tour where you put on the yellow raincoats, and rode the elevator down to the walkways under the falls. Pretty cool !


*And I need to learn about VOIP myself. I am one of those extremely technicallly challenged hooman beans that doesn't get any of this stuff. I had to search for my cell phone again the other night and went through the house 3 times - too stubborn to call on my (correction) land line - sure ruined that story - (which I keep for this very purpose). Finally I had to give in. I was about to be late getting someplace and could not avoid the land line call to myself. 

Sure enough, I heard my cell phone ring loud and clear, and very close - right there in my shirt pocket!

01/24/19 03:54 PM #4645    


James Hamilton, M. D.

Joe and Dave,

The people we know with VOIP seem to have problems with it. It also goes out whenever their internet service does.

We almost always use our land-line when at home as it is so clear and reliable. After the Waldo Canyon Wildfire of 2012, some cell towers had been destroyed in our surrounding foothills and cell service at our house was suboptimal and never recovered completely. We bought a network extender gizmo from Verizon Wireless which works very well, but, being true dinosaurs in many ways, we still love our land-line.


01/24/19 06:10 PM #4646    


David Mitchell

Reassuring Jim.

Now if I can just get somebody to explain how to program my VCR I'll be all set. 

Do you suppose I should let go of my 8 track player?  I mean, I still have my "Jerry Vale's Greatest Hits" cartidge.

That, and an Ames Brothers album that is just killer.

Oh, and a whole collection of the Baja Marimba Band. 



( I sure managed to screw up my story on #4656 didn't I? )

01/25/19 11:38 PM #4647    


James Hamilton, M. D. it is about 2130 hours out here in Mountain Standard Time, and as I check the Forum I find total silence for this 25th day of January, 2019. Wow, did not any of our classmates do anything exciting - fall off a roof, break a leg, see another movie, get raided by the FBI - today?

O.K., today I got a haircut.

Top that one! Please, anybody??!!


01/26/19 01:10 AM #4648    


Michael McLeod

I know there has been talk here about the Green Book movie.

Here is a very brief NY Times documentary about it. I mean not the movie, the Green Book itself.



01/26/19 02:33 PM #4649    

Timothy Lavelle


Looking out on a foggy, cold morning here in the PNW and just noticed your sunset photo on the homepage. My jealousy and general evilness allowed my imagination to add a huge mushroom cloud on the horizon. Yeah, one sick old man....

(Your welcome, Jim!)

01/26/19 03:38 PM #4650    


James Hamilton, M. D.


Did you say that you imagined a huge mushroom cloud in Janie's beautiful sunset picture or that your imagination was clouded by a huge mushroom?

A group in Denver, "Denver for Psilocybin", is trying to get legalized psychedelic mushrooms on the May, 2019 ballot. (Denver is the polar opposite of Colorado Springs in many ways!)

Do I sense some Deja vu?



01/26/19 04:11 PM #4651    


David Mitchell



The video about the "Green Book" is powerful stuff. I met a man who works at the Savannha airport who's dad still has his copy of teh book from the 1960's. I saw the film twice and would gladly go again.

The video brings up so many feelings from back in our teenage years, watching the Civil Rights Movement from our "lilly white"  neighborhoods, to my first time in the south (basic training in Lousiana, and flight school in Texas), to my present day life in a small southern town. We have come a long way, but then, we have a very long way to go.  


But I opted to go see "A Star is Born". I really liked it - a lot - but I wonder if I am the only one who had a nervous feeling of foreboding as the film progressed. Great acting, (especially Bradley Cooper) great directing, (also by cooper), some great songs by him and Kady Gaga (what a voice). But tough ending! 


Sorry if this is a spoiler alert, but it's been in the theaters for a month now. Still hoping to get to see "If Beale Street Could Talk" but i'ts getting late and only playing miles away now. Lott'a good films out this time of year.

01/26/19 10:34 PM #4652    


Kathleen Wintering (Nagy)

 1-26-19 Bonnie, SO GLAD that you are feeling better! Kathy Wintering

01/26/19 10:52 PM #4653    

Timothy Lavelle


I cannot imagine, and despite anything I might have said about marijuana here on the forum, I cannot believe or recommend that psychodelics be made available to the general public. 

The Whitehouse, YES, but not the general public.

Surely there was a band, at some point, called The Psychodelics?

Went to see The Favourite today. Don't normally go for period pieces but liked it all but the ending. The actress who played queen Ann should get an award.   

01/26/19 11:13 PM #4654    


James Hamilton, M. D.


We agree on that 95% (the exception being the White House comment 🙄)! And, of course, I do not mean to imply that you are or were a psilocybin advocate, but rather to use a little humor to reference something that may be starting up again in Colorado which was a disastrous problem in the '60's.

Since CO was the first state to legalize recreational MJ and Washington was second, I would hope that this does not happen with "magic mushrooms".

So, to all classmates: Tim is not a psychedelic hippie!!!!


01/26/19 11:23 PM #4655    


David Mitchell

Since politics is off limits here, I think that shifting to a group movie critic's column is a good thing. That and Joe's off-beat geography quizzes.

Yeah, I think I like it. This way, we don't have to come up with any of our own original thoughts. 

Golly, maybe that qualifies us to run for office.

But then, that takes us right back to pollitics again.  Oh hell ! 


01/27/19 09:31 AM #4656    


David Barbour

And I nominate Clare a PRINCESS of th forum for post number 4575.  You just sum it up completely!

Of course Janie remains our exalted QUEEN!

Bless you, Janie

01/27/19 11:32 AM #4657    


Michael McLeod

Saw Hamilton a couple nights ago. Wrote a very brief review which I will send along when I get a chance -- I had covered so much ground in the essay I wrote before the show that I figured I'd give readers a break and keep it short.

What's more important to me is how much fun it was to orchestrate the coolest date of my life to go see the show with my significant other. I had been prepping her for the experience for weeks. She is a wonderful listener and is a great sounding board when I am trying to figure out a complicated story - helps to talk about it. I got her the Hamilton soundtrack, fingers crossed that she'd like it as much as I did, which she did -- she began playing obsessively, listening to it on her way to work and back. The music is just wonderful and the lyrics have so many nuances that she was utterly engaged and charmed. For Christmas I bought her the book by Ron Chernow that inspired the musical  -- it's an engaging read but quite long and involved -- so there was that. And then there was the matter of just getting tickets. People down here were going crazy - many were on the phone for hours when tickets were first released, and they sold out quickly. Good tix were being resold for hundreds of dollars. We got to watch that from the sidelines and just enjoy the growing excitement because as a reviewer I'm guaranteed seats. Last week when showtime finally came we had dinner across from Orlando's new, spectacular performing arts center and watched an amazing show from the third row. 

One of the greatest thrills and richest experiences of my life, on many levels. And I know I have said this before but if you are interested in seeing the show just be patient. It will be around for quite some time and in a couple of years you'll be able to see it with the original cast,as they filmed the Broadway production and will eventually release it. 

01/27/19 12:24 PM #4658    

Timothy Lavelle

Whoooooaaaaa there Jimmy!

I did not say I was against magic mushrooms. I would have to say that at one time I fit the description you used...psychodelic hippie...but far far less than some folks that may even be reading here. Those experiences, while entertaining, were too discumbobulating for serious pursuit. 

Time out...Jim, if I can be ruthless, could someone else be ruthfull...are we born with a degree of ruth in us? 

Back to the show...I am against legalization of psychodelics. Humans have proven very vulnerable to so many different substances, whether for pain or mood or mind altering, that I just believe almost all of those substances should be difficult to get. From liquor to laudanum we are a weak species. To me, marijuana is far less harmful than cigarettes and liquor - but I do understand many people fearing it, especially in the hands of the young. 

O, and yes, I've checked all the proper sources this morning and made many follow up calls to verify. Trump still sucks.   

01/27/19 01:14 PM #4659    


David Mitchell

"ruth" be known, we are actually getting prepared for the State o' da Union speech to be delivered here in Bluffton next week. (A last minute change thanks to Aunt Nancy). The main topic will be border seguridad. Our borders here in South Cackalatchie are very porous. We have a steady flow of them damn yankees flooding in from the North and thousands of great golf courses to keep them from leaving. It's sad. 

We also have a problem with our southern border as many of those "Ahia" and Michiganders who first went to Florida, found out how much they hate the rain and humidity, and become "halfbacks" - people who move half way back to the home states. (thankfully most of them go back up to Asheville NC)

I am calling for an increase in the budget for more "shrimp and grits", and "low country boil"  to battle this tidal wave before we are overcome by these people. 

The address will be given at our local "Squat and Gobble", so unfortunately, seating will be at a great premium. 

It's very sad.




01/27/19 03:17 PM #4660    


Michael McLeod

Interesting and rather selective sense of decorum you have, Dave.

You think of politics as being to racy to bring to the forum, and yet, when it comes to visuals...... 

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